Monday, June 7, 2010

Manuka Honey for Good Health and Natural Healing

Since the time of the ancient Egyptians, honey has been used for its healing powers. Today, one particular type of honey is being used in hospitals and homes around the world. That honey is Manuka Honey, which has become world renowned for its medical properties. Manuka honey is a mono-floral honey, meaning that the bees use the nectar from only one floral source. In this case, that source is the Manuka plant, indigenous to New Zealand. This unique type of honey contains powerful antimicrobial properties that can be used to treat a wide range of medical conditions.

Internally, Manuka Honey can be used for stomach ulcers (Helicobacter Pylori), sore throats (Streptococcus Pyogenes) and for general health and wellness. Many people have reported feeling better and having more energy just from taking Manuka honey on a regular basis. Topically on the skin, Manuka Honey has proven effective in healing wounds, burns, sores, ulcers, acne, boils, damaged skin and eczema. It provides a germ-free healing environment, ideal for infected wounds. Clinical studies also show that Manuka Honey heals wounds faster with less skin scarring.

All honey has some antibacterial activity because of its ability to produce low levels of hydrogen peroxide. However, the difference in potency can vary more than 100-fold between different honeys. Researchers have discovered that Manuka Honey has another type of antibacterial activity in addition to the hydrogen peroxide activity that is not present in other types of honey. This unique Manuka factor is more effective against many types of infectious microorganisms. It also remains effective in body tissues and fluids, whereas the healing properties in other types of honey are easily broken down by enzymes in the body.

For general wellness, simply take a teaspoon of Manuka honey each day. For more severe conditions such as stomach ulcers, acid reflux disease, irritable bowel syndrome, gastritis, etc., it is recommended that you take one teaspoon about 30 minutes before meals, either off the spoon or on a piece of toast. For strep or sore throats, let the honey slide down you throat slowly. For external use, apply Manuka honey directly to the affected area 1-2 times per day. If this becomes too much of a sticky mess, try using Manuka Honey skin care products.

It’s important to buy Manuka honey from a reputable source. Some Manuka Honey is not potent enough to be suitable for medicinal use. Only use active, medical-grade Manuka Honey with a UMF rating between 10 and 16.

For more information or to purchase Manuka Honey or Manuka Honey products, call 1-866-427-7329 or visit

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